Many Facets - One Focus

About Us

…And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the holy city, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. Her brilliance was like a very costly stone, as a stone of crystal-clear jasper… Rev. 21:10,11 NASB

Diamond Ministries Uganda Limited (DMUL) is an Ugandan charity, created to reflect the brilliance of God who loves Uganda through His people. A professionally cut diamond has up to 58 sides that serve as small windows into the diamond itself. Each side is its own surface but together, they allow an overwhelming view of the beauty found in God. DMUL seeks to emulate this magnificent perspective through its work and commitment, and was designed to show the love and beauty of God towards Ugandans, through the various ministry projects created and supported within Uganda, by Ugandans.

This website will be a dynamic view of DMUL. Activity will grow and change, so plan to visit often to stay in touch with our progress.

Facet of Spiritual Ministry

How can I be ready? Where do I begin? What is DMUL doing?

Facet of Skills Improvement

“Our people work hard but they need skills improvement”

Dr. Bukenya (former vice president)

Facet of Sustainability

“…faith without works is dead”

James 2:26 NASB


Feel free to contact us with any questions.


0782 987 181